Kirjasto on 2.4.2024 alkaen avoinna ma–to 12–18. | Poikkeavat aukioloajat


Finland’s policies on procedures for the promulgation of the mandatory instruments of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and for ensuring the compliance of the maritime administration


Finland’s policies on procedures for the promulgation of the mandatory instruments of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and for ensuring the compliance of the maritime administration

The Ministry of Transport and Communications appointed a national preparation and coordination group for auditing in accordance with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) auditing framework (IMSAS) for 2024, which prepared this publication.

The publication outlines the procedures by which Finland will ensure the national approval and implementation of mandatory obligations through national legislation and the conformity of maritime administration in accordance with the IMO Recommendation on the governance strategy of the III Code.

The policies include:

1. Background, objectives and scope in accordance with the IMO III Code. 2. Procedures for setting targets and resources for the maritime administration, measuring its performance and monitoring its compliance, and continuously improving the administration by using the review procedure. 3. A description of the ministries and agencies operating in maritime administration, the process for the national adoption and implementation of IMO regulation, and the operative actors and tasks of maritime administration.
