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Uotila, J., Lehto, L., Castrén, E., Anttila, I., Andersson, E., Hollo, E. J., . . . Blomstedt, Y. (1985). The Finnish legal system (2. compl. rev. ed.). Finnish Lawyers Publishing Company.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Uotila, Jaakko, et al. The Finnish Legal System. 2. compl. rev. ed. Hki: Finnish Lawyers Publishing Company, 1985.


Uotila, Jaakko, et al. The Finnish Legal System. 2. compl. rev. ed. Finnish Lawyers Publishing Company, 1985.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Uotila, J., Lehto, L., Castrén, E., Anttila, I., Andersson, E., Hollo, E. J., . . . Blomstedt, Y. 1985. The Finnish legal system. 2. compl. rev. ed. Hki: Finnish Lawyers Publishing Company.

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