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Tietueen sitaatit


Van Kempen, P. H., & Fedorova, M. (2019). International law and cannabis: Volume 1, Regulation of cannabis cultivation for recreational use under the UN Narcotic Drugs Convention and the EU legal instruments in anti-drugs policy. Intersentia.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Van Kempen, Piet Hein, ja Masha Fedorova. International Law and Cannabis: Volume 1, Regulation of Cannabis Cultivation for Recreational Use Under the UN Narcotic Drugs Convention and the EU Legal Instruments in Anti-drugs Policy. Cambridge: Intersentia, 2019.


Van Kempen, Piet Hein, ja Masha Fedorova. International Law and Cannabis: Volume 1, Regulation of Cannabis Cultivation for Recreational Use Under the UN Narcotic Drugs Convention and the EU Legal Instruments in Anti-drugs Policy. Intersentia, 2019.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Van Kempen, P. H. & Fedorova, M. 2019. International law and cannabis: Volume 1, Regulation of cannabis cultivation for recreational use under the UN Narcotic Drugs Convention and the EU legal instruments in anti-drugs policy. Cambridge: Intersentia.

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