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Moreno Lax, V., & Papastavridis, E. (2017). Boat refugees and migrants at sea: A comprehensive approach : integrating maritime security with human rights. Brill NIjhoff.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Moreno Lax, Violeta, ja Efthymios Papastavridis. Boat Refugees and Migrants at Sea: A Comprehensive Approach : Integrating Maritime Security with Human Rights. Leiden ; Boston: Brill NIjhoff, 2017.


Moreno Lax, Violeta, ja Efthymios Papastavridis. Boat Refugees and Migrants at Sea: A Comprehensive Approach : Integrating Maritime Security with Human Rights. Brill NIjhoff, 2017.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Moreno Lax, V. & Papastavridis, E. 2017. Boat refugees and migrants at sea: A comprehensive approach : integrating maritime security with human rights. Leiden ; Boston: Brill NIjhoff.

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