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Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. & Reifman, L. (1966). Financing of education for economic growth: Papers prep. for the conference organised by the Directorate for Scientific Affairs of OECD held in Paris, 21st-24th September 1964. OECD.

Chicago-stil citat

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. och Lucille Reifman. Financing of Education for Economic Growth: Papers Prep. for the Conference Organised by the Directorate for Scientific Affairs of OECD Held in Paris, 21st-24th September 1964. Paris: OECD, 1966.


Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. och Lucille Reifman. Financing of Education for Economic Growth: Papers Prep. for the Conference Organised by the Directorate for Scientific Affairs of OECD Held in Paris, 21st-24th September 1964. OECD, 1966.

Harvard-stil citat

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. & Reifman, L. 1966. Financing of education for economic growth: Papers prep. for the conference organised by the Directorate for Scientific Affairs of OECD held in Paris, 21st-24th September 1964. Paris: OECD.

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