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Byles, J. B., & Megrah, M. (1955). Byles on Bills of exchange: The law of bills of exchange, promisory notes, bank notes and cheques (21. ed.).

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Byles, John Barnard, ja Maurice Megrah. Byles on Bills of Exchange: The Law of Bills of Exchange, Promisory Notes, Bank Notes and Cheques. 21. ed. London, 1955.


Byles, John Barnard, ja Maurice Megrah. Byles on Bills of Exchange: The Law of Bills of Exchange, Promisory Notes, Bank Notes and Cheques. 21. ed. 1955.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Byles, J. B. & Megrah, M. 1955. Byles on Bills of exchange: The law of bills of exchange, promisory notes, bank notes and cheques. 21. ed. London.

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