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(1960). European resistance movements 1939-1945: First International Conference on the History of the Resistance Movements, held at Liège-Bruxelles-Breendonk 14-17 September 1958.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

European Resistance Movements 1939-1945: First International Conference on the History of the Resistance Movements, Held at Liège-Bruxelles-Breendonk 14-17 September 1958. Oxford, 1960.


European Resistance Movements 1939-1945: First International Conference on the History of the Resistance Movements, Held at Liège-Bruxelles-Breendonk 14-17 September 1958. 1960.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

1960. European resistance movements 1939-1945: First International Conference on the History of the Resistance Movements, held at Liège-Bruxelles-Breendonk 14-17 September 1958. Oxford.

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