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McFarquhar, A. M. M., & Evans, G. B. A. (1972). Employment creation in primary production in less developed countries: Case studies of employment potential in the coffee sectors of Brazil and Kenya. OECD.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

McFarquhar, A. M. M., ja G. B. Aneuryn Evans. Employment Creation in Primary Production in Less Developed Countries: Case Studies of Employment Potential in the Coffee Sectors of Brazil and Kenya. Paris: OECD, 1972.


McFarquhar, A. M. M., ja G. B. Aneuryn Evans. Employment Creation in Primary Production in Less Developed Countries: Case Studies of Employment Potential in the Coffee Sectors of Brazil and Kenya. OECD, 1972.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

McFarquhar, A. M. M. & Evans, G. B. A. 1972. Employment creation in primary production in less developed countries: Case studies of employment potential in the coffee sectors of Brazil and Kenya. Paris: OECD.

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