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European Science Foundation, Kerr, D. A., Breuer, M., Gilley, S., & Suttner, E. C. (1992). Religion, state and ethnic groups. New York University Press : Dartmouth.

Chicago-stil citat

European Science Foundation, Donal A. Kerr, Mordechai Breuer, Sheridan Gilley, och Ernst Christoph Suttner. Religion, State and Ethnic Groups. New York (NY) ; Aldershot: New York University Press : Dartmouth, 1992.


European Science Foundation, et al. Religion, State and Ethnic Groups. New York University Press : Dartmouth, 1992.

Harvard-stil citat

European Science Foundation, Kerr, D. A., Breuer, M., Gilley, S. & Suttner, E. C. 1992. Religion, state and ethnic groups. New York (NY) ; Aldershot: New York University Press : Dartmouth.

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