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Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Clothing Industry & International Labour Organisation. Sectoral Activities Programme. (1987). Manpower development, training and retaining in the clothing industry: Third Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Clothing Industry, Genevea, 1987.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Clothing Industry ja International Labour Organisation. Sectoral Activities Programme. Manpower Development, Training and Retaining in the Clothing Industry: Third Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Clothing Industry, Genevea, 1987. 1987.


Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Clothing Industry ja International Labour Organisation. Sectoral Activities Programme. Manpower Development, Training and Retaining in the Clothing Industry: Third Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Clothing Industry, Genevea, 1987. 1987.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Clothing Industry & International Labour Organisation. Sectoral Activities Programme. 1987. Manpower development, training and retaining in the clothing industry: Third Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Clothing Industry, Genevea, 1987.

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