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Warhurst, A. C. (1984). The application of biotechnology in developing countries: The case of mineral leaching with particular reference to the Andean Pact Copper Project. UNIDO.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Warhurst, Alyson C. The Application of Biotechnology in Developing Countries: The Case of Mineral Leaching with Particular Reference to the Andean Pact Copper Project. [Vienna]: UNIDO, 1984.


Warhurst, Alyson C. The Application of Biotechnology in Developing Countries: The Case of Mineral Leaching with Particular Reference to the Andean Pact Copper Project. UNIDO, 1984.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Warhurst, A. C. 1984. The application of biotechnology in developing countries: The case of mineral leaching with particular reference to the Andean Pact Copper Project. [Vienna]: UNIDO.

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