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Jantsch, E. (1967). Technological forecasting in perspective: A framework for technological forecasting, its techniques and organisation : a description of activities and annotated bibliography. OECD.

Chicago-stil citat

Jantsch, Erich. Technological Forecasting in Perspective: A Framework for Technological Forecasting, Its Techniques and Organisation : A Description of Activities and Annotated Bibliography. Paris: OECD, 1967.


Jantsch, Erich. Technological Forecasting in Perspective: A Framework for Technological Forecasting, Its Techniques and Organisation : A Description of Activities and Annotated Bibliography. OECD, 1967.

Harvard-stil citat

Jantsch, E. 1967. Technological forecasting in perspective: A framework for technological forecasting, its techniques and organisation : a description of activities and annotated bibliography. Paris: OECD.

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