Från 2.4.2024 biblioteket har öppet mån–tor 12–18. | Avvikande öppettider


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United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Global and Conceptual Studies Branch. Division for Industrial Studies & United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Industrial Development Decade for Africa. Workshop on Social Aspects. (1984). The agony of Africa: Industrial restructuring and the process of socio-economic development in Africa, with particular reference to the least developed countries of Africa. UNIDO.

Chicago-stil citat

United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Global and Conceptual Studies Branch. Division for Industrial Studies och United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Industrial Development Decade for Africa. Workshop on Social Aspects. The Agony of Africa: Industrial Restructuring and the Process of Socio-economic Development in Africa, with Particular Reference to the Least Developed Countries of Africa. [Vienna]: UNIDO, 1984.


United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Global and Conceptual Studies Branch. Division for Industrial Studies och United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Industrial Development Decade for Africa. Workshop on Social Aspects. The Agony of Africa: Industrial Restructuring and the Process of Socio-economic Development in Africa, with Particular Reference to the Least Developed Countries of Africa. UNIDO, 1984.

Harvard-stil citat

United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Global and Conceptual Studies Branch. Division for Industrial Studies & United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Industrial Development Decade for Africa. Workshop on Social Aspects. 1984. The agony of Africa: Industrial restructuring and the process of socio-economic development in Africa, with particular reference to the least developed countries of Africa. [Vienna]: UNIDO.

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