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United Nations Industrial Development Organization. (1972). Creation and transfer of metallurgical know-how: Report of a workshop Jamshedpur, India 7-11 December 1971 : including a summary of lectures presented to the workshop. UNIDO.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Creation and Transfer of Metallurgical Know-how: Report of a Workshop Jamshedpur, India 7-11 December 1971 : Including a Summary of Lectures Presented to the Workshop. [Vienna]: UNIDO, 1972.


United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Creation and Transfer of Metallurgical Know-how: Report of a Workshop Jamshedpur, India 7-11 December 1971 : Including a Summary of Lectures Presented to the Workshop. UNIDO, 1972.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

United Nations Industrial Development Organization. 1972. Creation and transfer of metallurgical know-how: Report of a workshop Jamshedpur, India 7-11 December 1971 : including a summary of lectures presented to the workshop. [Vienna]: UNIDO.

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