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Allison, G. T., Ury, W. L., & Allyn, B. J. (1989). Windows of opportunity: From cold war to peaceful competiton in U.S.-Soviet relations. Ballinger.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Allison, Graham T., William L. Ury, ja Bruce J. Allyn. Windows of Opportunity: From Cold War to Peaceful Competiton in U.S.-Soviet Relations. [Cambridge (Mass.)]: Ballinger, 1989.


Allison, Graham T., et al. Windows of Opportunity: From Cold War to Peaceful Competiton in U.S.-Soviet Relations. Ballinger, 1989.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Allison, G. T., Ury, W. L. & Allyn, B. J. 1989. Windows of opportunity: From cold war to peaceful competiton in U.S.-Soviet relations. [Cambridge (Mass.)]: Ballinger.

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