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Parliamentary Conference on Co-operation in the Baltic Sea Area, Pohjoismaiden ministerineuvosto, & Hägerhäll Aniansson, B. (1992). Co-operation in the Baltic Sea Area: The Second Parliamentary Conference on Co-operation in the Baltic Sea Area : report from a conference arranged by the Nordic Council at Stortinget, Oslo, Norway, 22-24 April 1992. The Nordic Council.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Parliamentary Conference on Co-operation in the Baltic Sea Area, Pohjoismaiden ministerineuvosto, ja Britt Hägerhäll Aniansson. Co-operation in the Baltic Sea Area: The Second Parliamentary Conference on Co-operation in the Baltic Sea Area : Report from a Conference Arranged by the Nordic Council at Stortinget, Oslo, Norway, 22-24 April 1992. Stockholm: The Nordic Council, 1992.


Parliamentary Conference on Co-operation in the Baltic Sea Area, et al. Co-operation in the Baltic Sea Area: The Second Parliamentary Conference on Co-operation in the Baltic Sea Area : Report from a Conference Arranged by the Nordic Council at Stortinget, Oslo, Norway, 22-24 April 1992. The Nordic Council, 1992.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Parliamentary Conference on Co-operation in the Baltic Sea Area, Pohjoismaiden ministerineuvosto & Hägerhäll Aniansson, B. 1992. Co-operation in the Baltic Sea Area: The Second Parliamentary Conference on Co-operation in the Baltic Sea Area : report from a conference arranged by the Nordic Council at Stortinget, Oslo, Norway, 22-24 April 1992. Stockholm: The Nordic Council.

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