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Colloquy on European Law, Council of Europe, & Lahti, R. (1992). Law and moral dilemmas affecting life and death: Proceedings of the 20th Colloquy on European Law Glasgow, 10-12 September 1990. Council of Europe.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Colloquy on European Law, Council of Europe, ja Raimo Lahti. Law and Moral Dilemmas Affecting Life and Death: Proceedings of the 20th Colloquy on European Law Glasgow, 10-12 September 1990. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1992.


Colloquy on European Law, et al. Law and Moral Dilemmas Affecting Life and Death: Proceedings of the 20th Colloquy on European Law Glasgow, 10-12 September 1990. Council of Europe, 1992.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Colloquy on European Law, Council of Europe & Lahti, R. 1992. Law and moral dilemmas affecting life and death: Proceedings of the 20th Colloquy on European Law Glasgow, 10-12 September 1990. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.

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