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International Labour Conference & International Labour Office. (1992). Report: 3, Part 5, Lists of ratifications by conventions and by country (as at 31 December 1991). International Labour Office.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

International Labour Conference ja International Labour Office. Report: 3, Part 5, Lists of Ratifications by Conventions and by Country (as at 31 December 1991). Geneva: International Labour Office, 1992.


International Labour Conference ja International Labour Office. Report: 3, Part 5, Lists of Ratifications by Conventions and by Country (as at 31 December 1991). International Labour Office, 1992.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

International Labour Conference & International Labour Office. 1992. Report: 3, Part 5, Lists of ratifications by conventions and by country (as at 31 December 1991). Geneva: International Labour Office.

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