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Falk, P. (1992). Modern oralities: A cultural topology of the consuming body : summary of the article-dissertation The corporeality of consumption. Helsingin yliopisto.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Falk, Pasi. Modern Oralities: A Cultural Topology of the Consuming Body : Summary of the Article-dissertation The Corporeality of Consumption. Helsinki: Helsingin yliopisto, 1992.


Falk, Pasi. Modern Oralities: A Cultural Topology of the Consuming Body : Summary of the Article-dissertation The Corporeality of Consumption. Helsingin yliopisto, 1992.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Falk, P. 1992. Modern oralities: A cultural topology of the consuming body : summary of the article-dissertation The corporeality of consumption. Helsinki: Helsingin yliopisto.

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