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United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Negotiations Branch. Division of Policy Co-ordination. (1983). UNIDO model form of agreement for the licensing of patents and know-how in the petrochemical industry, including annexures, and integrated commentary and alternative texts of some clauses. UNIDO.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Negotiations Branch. Division of Policy Co-ordination. UNIDO Model Form of Agreement for the Licensing of Patents and Know-how in the Petrochemical Industry, Including Annexures, and Integrated Commentary and Alternative Texts of Some Clauses. [Vienna]: UNIDO, 1983.


United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Negotiations Branch. Division of Policy Co-ordination. UNIDO Model Form of Agreement for the Licensing of Patents and Know-how in the Petrochemical Industry, Including Annexures, and Integrated Commentary and Alternative Texts of Some Clauses. UNIDO, 1983.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Negotiations Branch. Division of Policy Co-ordination. 1983. UNIDO model form of agreement for the licensing of patents and know-how in the petrochemical industry, including annexures, and integrated commentary and alternative texts of some clauses. [Vienna]: UNIDO.

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