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Kapferer, C. (1964). Sources of statistics for market research: France, Germany (F.R.), Italy. 3, Statistiques generales = General statistics. OECD.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Kapferer, Clodwig. Sources of Statistics for Market Research: France, Germany (F.R.), Italy. 3, Statistiques Generales = General Statistics. Paris: OECD, 1964.


Kapferer, Clodwig. Sources of Statistics for Market Research: France, Germany (F.R.), Italy. 3, Statistiques Generales = General Statistics. OECD, 1964.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Kapferer, C. 1964. Sources of statistics for market research: France, Germany (F.R.), Italy. 3, Statistiques generales = General statistics. Paris: OECD.

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